
Feelings and Expressions

1.Are feelings, emotions and facial expressions universal across borders, happy, sad, etc..?
I think most of them are universal across borders, because I was pretty sure how people were feeling when I was in the United States at the age of 16. I think, however, it would be more difficult to see how Japanese thinks or feels, because we don't express our feelings as much as other people do like Americans or others.

2. Try to name as many feelings as possible in Japanese. ( 10 minimum) Then, write the English translation.
happy, cheerful(happy), be excited, sad, feeling tough, be irritated, tired, sleepy, nervous, be tensed up, restless, angry, melancholy, sad, be worried, be excited, feeling hopeless, surprised, lonely, miss, feel something/ someone dear, relieved, envious, tranced/ attracted, giveing up, like, hate

3. Are there any feelings in Japanese that cannot be translated into English?
yes, i think there are many in Japanese, like above, i couldn't find a proper English word for 切ない. It is not exactly just sad, like 悲しい neither 物悲しい.

8 件のコメント:

  1. Your answers are very gooood!!!!
    Especialy, どきどきする、切ない、恋しい and 愛しい means "LOVE"!!! I didn't imagine such good words. I just wrote 10 words.. because I can't imagine only 10 words...You are good♪

  2. Hi Phillippoinpon,

    thanks for your compliment. I was surprised, too, that I could ever came up with that many kinds of words for love.

  3. Hi Kimi♪
    I really sympathize with your last sentence!!
    To explain the subtle difference of expression is very difficult, I think...

  4. Hello!
    You have a lot of ideas.
    I did not think of so much.

  5. I agree that it is more difficult to understand Japanese feelings.

  6. hi kimi!!!
    I think,so too!We do not express our feelings clearly sometimes. There are some differences to express feelings depend on the countries.

  7. I agree with you!!
    Americans overreact theri feelings!
    I thought they were childish :p

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